Monday, September 7, 2015

Kumusta mga mag-anak at kaibigan!

This week has been really busy! But I really want to start out by mentioning that I got a really really exciting email from one of my best friends in the mission Elder Larona! He told me that the Macarubbo family had all passed the baptismal interview and will be baptized as a family on Sept. 12!!!! WAHOOOOOOOO!!!!! Gosh I wish I could be there but that makes me soooooo happy that they are all going to be baptized! I cant believe it! Just thinking about how we first met them and then chasing down the Tatay to try and talk to him and now, on Saturday, they will be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! Thats the best news that I can receive right now! Gosh...
But this week was full of meetings and surprises! We had the MLC meeting this last Wednesday talking about the importance of our Attitudes in Missionary work as well as the importance of accountability. And from that meeting and from my personal study in accountability I really come to realize that there will be a day that we will all give an accounting of all the things we've done here on the Earth! But the person who will be accounting to us will be the Lord Jesus Christ! So just like in so many ways the mission prepares us for life now and in the eternities, we account for all the things we accomplish. This is how the Kingdom of God is organized. And one of the coolest thing that President Rahlf has been teaching us is that even Jesus Christ accounts for His actions as we remember our covenants in the temple.
Then on Thursday we had the new leader's training in Cauayan... so it was travel to Cauayan, come home and the next morning travel to Cauayan again. The meeting was obviously very inspiring and even though I've the same things taught before, the spirit helps us learn new things for each of our situations! Think of General Conference, theres no brand new topics or ideas brought up in each conference. The Lord has a pattern of repetition for us to continue to learn based on our own preparation.
But this week we have another investigator named JonnaLynn who is also really progressing! Her siblings were also baptized within the past year and they even shared with us that their goal is that eventually their whole family will join the church! And one by one... they are! :) But their testimonies are really really strong! The Ate (older sister) shared her testimony this last sunday and shared of her powerful experiences in the gospel! So COOL!
But keep up the good work everyone! We all must sometimes "be still and know that [He] is God" :) Let us always stay true to our covenants and DRAW UNTO HIM!


Elder Navarro (the real better of the two Elder Navarro's ;) )

p.s. reunited with my Tatay again!

heres a lot of my batch!... and some others... and Sister Rahlf! :)

Part of my new area.... its not ALL like that.. haha

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